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Alternative and Vocational Provision at Larches High School

Larches High School commissions external providers to deliver educational and therapeutic intervention for pupils off site from the following:

Key Stage 4 Construction: Preston Vocational Centre (PVC)

All commissioned provision at Larches are on a part-time basis with the provision offer being planned to meet the pupils’ academic, vocational, technical and pastoral needs. PVC are used as part of the whole school KS4 curriculum option offer as well as for individual pupil provision, as required.

All pupil provision is reviewed every term by the Senior Leadership Team.

Alternative provision and work experience opportunities are also used at Larches to support pupils into post 16 training, education or employment.

Quality Assurance

Larches High School asks all commissioned providers to complete an annual Quality Assurance document which is then updated and checked termly.

Lesson visits and progress checks are completed to all providers in line with the school Quality Assurance calendar and feedback is shared with the provider. Action is taken immediately if there are any concerns raised.

All providers follow school assessment guidance in relation to progress data checks and contribute to school reports to parents / carers as appropriate.

Prior to pupils attending the commissioned provision Larches High School shares appropriate pupil information in line with GDPR guidance.

Daily attendance and engagement is checked by Larches High School Attendance Team and then normal school absence monitoring procedures are followed.

Larches High School quality assurance ensures that all pupils attending any off-site alternative or vocational provision are safe and learning in a quality provision.