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July 2020

Text books for Uganda

By General News


Larches had an excess of textbooks which the school has accumulated over the years, we could no longer store them so we had a decision to make!

Mr Nuttall, our Behaviour Manager at Larches, made contact with Liz Tongue, one of the main fundraisers at the Pearl of Africa Charity, asking if she could give these books a home. Liz came to the rescue and welcomed our donation of books, as they will be treasured by the students in Uganda.

The Pearl of Africa raises money and resources for underprivileged children in Uganda through education and care. They have five schools to suit all ages and the textbooks will be greeted with open arms and smiles. It was our pleasure to help.

Please click on the links below of the photographs of the students where our donation has gone to.

Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

Thank you letter

September Attendance

By General News


The UK government along with Public Health England have stated that secondary school pupils are expected to have full attendance from the start of the new academic year.


School are following the government’s guidance, which sets out a range of measures to protect children and staff. To discuss further or should you require help and support to ensure your child attends school full time, please call Christina McLean, Attendance Manager or Nathan Atherton, Family Support Worker.

July COVID-19 Update


If you, your child or a household member develops symptoms of COVID-19 you should all immediately self-isolate and you must inform school by telephone immediately.

The person with symptoms should get tested.  If the test is positive, they should self-isolate for 7 days, and anyone else in the household should self-isolate for 14 days.

Inform school by telephone as soon as you have the result of the test.

Tests can be booked online through the NHS testing and tracing for coronavirus website or by calling NHS 119.

Thank you for your ongoing support.